Breakfast makes the world go round

Muffets was my favourite cereal growing up – especially with hot milk and brown sugar.

When I was young and in a hurry to get out the door, I thought there were more important things than eating breakfast before I left. My Dad thought otherwise, and he made sure my brother and I always had breakfast to start the day. Now I am grateful for that; breakfast is a ritual that I enjoy and on days when I can make the most of it I feel like I am spoiled.

Last week my husband and I took a day away and went on the road to just enjoy each other’s company and spend some quality  time together. We didn’t have breakfast at home but felt sure we could find something fun on the road. We were right.

We stopped at a place I had seen many times from the highway but never had the chance to stop and check out. We took that right turn and wandered into the Lake Country Coffee House. The service was friendly, the menu looked appetizing, the art on the walls was very cool, and the chai latte warmed the cockles of my heart. The  lemon poppyseed loaf and raspberry muffin we ate in the car as we continued on the road were fresh and delectable, full of flavour.  My insides were humming.

We had a fun day in Salmon Arm, lounging around and visiting with friends. The next morning we got up early to check out the local farmer’s market so breakfast started with fresh organic cherries and strawberries from one of the stands. We licked our sticky fingers and headed out to our next stop, Gorts Gouda Cheese Farm. Coffee with fresh farm cream is like a whole new experience, I have to tell you. And their aged gouda will be fun to match with a wine – perhaps a Riesling, or maybe a Merlot? I’ll have fun sampling with the piece I bought. We petted a few super-soft calf noses and then we headed off down the road. 

Just to make sure we wouldn’t be lacking in energy later in the day, we decided to check out a local spot for something more substantial. The Blue Canoe Bakery & Cafe makes a mean breakfast sandwich, with a fried egg that leaks out the side, fresh tomatoes and toast that is crisp but not burnt. We sat and solved the problems of the world as we munched.

The rest of our day was a roaring success, more great memories and relaxing time together, all fueled by a good breakfast. I know ordinary days often don’t have the time that days away do, but at least a good breakfast puts you in the right frame of mind. I highly recommend it.

About happygourmand

I am a professional gourmande - a lover of life. Not only food and drink, but life in general. I love experiencing life to its fullest, and sharing my adventures with others. I am also a mentor, focusing on service. I have worked with customers for years and most recently I am working with learners of English as a foreign language. You can check out my other blog, WOW Service Mentor, on Wordpress.

Posted on August 31, 2012, in food, travel and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. i love breakfast – in Australia breakfast is a really big thing – most people go out on the weekend for breakfast and catch up with friends etc. It’s one of the things I miss the most about London. Hardly any breakfast places and all the good places are run by Kiwis and Aussies hahahaha I found out this week that English people like to have a big fry up at home on the weekend.

    • It’s funny – here in Canada, an “English breakfast” is that huge fry up you mentioned, with not just eggs and sausages, but also fried potatoes, toast, and of course jam or marmalade. We don’t eat kippers much though LOL

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